Day 9 - Layover Day (Catalina State Park)

The first layover day is always an amazing thing in a beautiful State Park, but the bloggers first question is, how do we get to REI and when does it open?  From there, everything else is gravy.

Usually Henry is the big spender, but today it was Adrian. He flew in from Kona, Hawaii and lacked a few essential items and had some fun. Score Adrian $250, Henry $5 .  Go figure...

Shopping at REI has made the bloggers thirsty, and they used the local microbrewery map as their guide for the afternoon.  Thank god for Google.

Wealthy people tend to be cheapskates, so instead of taking an uber to the first brewery, we decided to walk and went the wrong way and found one of our favorite budget splurges at Inn-N-Out burger.

Our walk in the hot mid day Arizona sun rewarded us with a visit to an amazing brewery with ties to Chicago.  Same hi to Eric, the owner of Dillingers Brewery standing next to an iconic gangster who was gunned down at the Chicago Biograph Theater.  Little did the bloggers know that John Dillinger was originally captured in Tucson, transported to a jail in Crown Point Indiana from which he ultimately escaped before meeting his demise in Chicago.

We close today having safely survived our uber beer tour with a calm and serene picture of our home this evening at Catalina State Park.


  1. That is such a gorgeous park. I remember the REI visit two years ago. Not surprised that Adrian needed a few supplies, but still wondering how Henry only spent $5. Still waiting for an old fashion...


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