Day 6 - Dateland to Gila Bend

The bloggers are feeling like 2019 all over again, but in a very different way.  Last year we woke to the the cyclone bomb, but this year the bloggers woke up to the below headline  from the Washington Post, and we can attest it is not fake news. 

It seems wherever the bloggers go, strange and extreme weather follows.

The bloggers have become accustomed to bad weather.  This morning Henry is seen eating breakfast in a heavy downpour and standing in a foot of water.

Today's then and now features the same prominent rock at SAG stop one.

In 2018, you can see the three amigos are focused on a certain prominent rock.

Two years later, you can see only two of the amigos back at the same rock.  Gary, where are you?

At lunch Henry and Adrian each had a Mexican six pack at Sofia's Restaurant.  That's right, 3 enchilads & 3 tacos.

Ken our oldest rider on the tour at 82 is sporting the fashion outfit every rider is envious of..... a shower cap on top, matching red jacket and handkerchief, bare legs and stylish gore booties.

Postscript: The bloggers would be remiss if they did not let their audience know that despite the extreme weather we have been experiencing, this years day 5 and day 6 riding have been much more enjoyable than the previous two years.


  1. So much better reading about your weather than actually experiencing it! Ride safe!

  2. Curious did they upgrade the bath mats at Dateland?


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